- Zwingli (Drama CH 2018 by Anne Walser/C-Films, Music: Great Garbo, Orchestra: Zurich Chamber Orchestra, Session-Dirigent: André Bellmont)
- Chris the Swiss (CH 2018 by Dschoint Ventschr, Music: Marcel Vaid, André Bellmont: "additional music", conductor, orchestrator), https://mailchi.mp/postbillspr/requiemostbydominikscherrerwithnatashakhan-3281681?e=6a2a065099
- Stateless (Documentary about Klaus Rozsa, CH 2016 by Erich Schmid, Music: Marcel Vaid / André Bellmont), (Composer/Orchestrator/Conductor)
- "The General" Meschugge-Film 2010 (Documentary CH 2009, Music: Rodolphe Schacher and André Bellmont / Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, conducted by André Bellmont)
- Giulias Verschwinden, Feature Movie, CH 2009, Music: Balz Bachmann (--> Session-Conductor)
- König Alphons und das Kamel with Frank Baumann and the Orchester Musikkollegium Winterthur, 2008 Stadthaus Winterthur (--> Conductor)
- bill - das absolute augenmass, Documentary (DVD 2008, --> Composer/Arranger/Conductor)
- "The Magical Journeys of Andreas Vollenweider", DVD/Video, AVO 2006, Grammy Nomination 2007 (--> Orchestrator/Conductor)
- "Träne" (2002) with Florian Ast, Francine Jordi and the ZKO (--> Orchestrator/Dirigent)
- "Le Monde à L'Envers" (Spielfilm, CH/F/I 1998), Musik: Alex Kirschner (--> Orchestrator/Conductor)
- "Humanout" (1999) with Betty Legler (--> Orchestrator/Conductor)